Advice for getting into pro bono
Are you curious about starting a career in pro bono, but don’t know where begin? We’ve gathered insights and tips from leading figures in the Australian pro bono sector to help you get started on your journey.
- Aidan Hawkes - Gilbert+Tobin
- Catriona Martin - DLA PIPER
- Dan Poole - Hall & Wilcox
- Dusan Stevic - King & Wood Mallesons
- Garth Tinsley - Clyde & CO
- Jilly Field - Gilchrist Connell
- Laura Elliott - DLA Piper
- Sarah Morton-Ramwell - Ashurst
- Shakti Srikanth - Gilchrist ConnellS
- Shaun Chng - Clayton Utz
- Susan Flynn - Clayton Utz
- Tara Walsh - Gilbert+Tobin