Guides to Pro Bono and Other Free Advice in England, Wales and Scotland

The Guide to Pro Bono and Other Free Advice in England & Wales, and in Scotland
These Guides include a combination of full-page entries supplied by certain charities that facilitate legal help, with brief details about others. A summary is provided about the charity, with their website, email & phone numbers including helplines (but not opening hours which may change).
Two different guides cover England & Wales, and Scotland, respectively. They signpost to:
- Legal aid i.e. legal assistance funded by the Government.
- Pro bono i.e. free legal advice or representation provided by volunteer lawyers to individuals and charities who cannot afford to pay but where legal aid is unavailable.
- Front line advice organisations, which provide assistance from general advice through to specialist legal support. Note some areas have regulatory restrictions in particular debt and immigration.
- Online guidance about legal issues and the legal process.
- Specialist charities providing general advice/support for particular groups or problems, reflecting that legal issues often occur alongside non-legal issues. Some of those charities may offer legal information or advice, or may be able to signpost to it
The guides are updated yearly and are available on a website launched by the Attorney General’s Pro Bono Committee of England & Wales, jointly with the network of regional pro bono committees in the jurisdiction.