The Case for Pro Bono
Gabriela Christian-Hare discusses why is it beneficial to do pro bono work; Australia's National Pro Bono Target; and how the Australian Pro Bono Centre can support setting up and maintaining a pro bono practice and get involved.
"The legal profession is a profession, and not a business. Its members have a duty to temper the pursuit of individual self-interest; and they have a collective obligation to do their best to make legal services available to needy peoply. Collectivley, this is a matter of duty, not generosity."
Gabriela Christian-Hare is the CEO of the Australian Pro Bono Centre, Australia’s government-funded centre of leadership for pro bono legal services. Gabriela is responsible for the Centre’s management, strategic direction, and representation of the Centre in a variety of fora and media globally. She is an Australian and UK qualified lawyer and has previously worked in law firms, investment banking and social justice roles in Sydney, London, Tokyo, Jerusalem and Damascus.